So. Sep 15th, 2024

Gary Moore – Still got the blues (via Youtube)

„Was hast Du, was andere nicht haben?“: „Wenn ich vor 1000 Leuten spiele, jubeln alle. Wenn Du das tust, jubelt keiner.“ Gary Moore konnte auf eine Bühne gehen und das Publikum für sich einnehmen. Es war nicht nur seine unglaubliche Virtuosität, sondern er hatte diese Gabe, Menschen spontan beeindrucken zu können.“ Volkmar Kramarz im Gespräch mit der ZEIT über Gary Moore, Link unten

RIP – Gary Moore. Zu früh. Nicht zu ändern!

Update – 15.02.11

Fanfare For The Common Man – Emerson, Lake & Palmer -via youtube

Keith Emerson schrieb zum Tod von Gary Moore, und ich übersetze es nicht:

„He was a quiet soul who spoke through his axe louder. He may have spoken louder in other places but I only heard his guitar speaking. I know that Gary worked wonderfully with Greg Lake on his solo albums and Gary and I worked on a couple of my Christmas Album tracks with a bunch of great school kids from West Park School in Sussex with Ian Paice (Deep Purple) on drums. The kids were great, in awe of it all, and I ordered hamburgers for them before they all got on the bus back to Sussex. Gary took it all into his stride. I can’t confess knowing Gary that well, as most musicians try and choose to know each other by many telegraphic means. A chord here, a note there will sometimes work to communicate more than words can ever do. Gary certainly worked the wonders of music for everyone and that is most important.“ (Keith Emerson, facebook, notes)

3 Gedanken zu „435/11: Nachruf: Gary Moore, britischer Gitarrist der Sonderklasse, ist tot. #Update Keith Emerson“
  1. Habe mal in einer geilen Cover Band Gary Moore Rock Revival Berlin gesungen ,,war so geile Erfahrung seine alten ROCK Klassiker zu singen ,Over theHils ,,,All Messed Up ,,Wild Frontier,,,Thunder Rising usw,,
    wird mich mein Leben lang begleiten ,,God bless him ,,

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